Excellent media sources and more to empower flexibility
Website references and books
Eifert, G. H., & Forsyth, J. P. (2005). Acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety disorders: A practitioner’s treatment guide to using mindfulness, acceptance, and values-based behavior change strategies. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Gallo, F. J. (2016). A practitioner’s guide to using the acceptance and commitment therapy matrix model. Frank J. Gallo.
Gallo, F. J. (2017). Bouncing back from trauma: The essential step-by-step guide for police readiness. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Harris, R. (2009). ACT made simple. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Harris, R. (2022). The happiness trap: How to stop struggling and start living. (2nd ed.). Boulder, CO: Shambhala.
Hayes, S. C. (2020). A liberated mind: How to pivot toward what matters. New York, NY: Avery.
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K. D., & Wilson, K. G. (1999). Acceptance and commitment therapy: An experiential approach to behavior change. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K. D., & Wilson, K. G. (2012). Acceptance and commitment therapy: The process and practice of mindful change (2nd ed.). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Neff, K., & Germer, C. (2018). The mindful self-compassion workbook: A proven way to accept yourself, build inner strength, and thrive. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Polk, K. (2011). Psychological flexibility training (PFT): Flexing your mind along with your muscles. Seattle, WA: Amazon Digital Services.
Polk, K., Schoendorff, B., Webster, M., & Olaz, F. O. (2016). The essential guide to the ACT Matrix: A step-by-step approach to using the ACT Matrix model in clinical practice. Oakland, CA: Context Press.
Polk, K., & Schoendorff, B. (Eds.). (2014). The ACT Matrix: A new approach to building psychological flexibility across settings and populations. Oakland, CA: Context Press.
Association for Contextual Behavioral Science is dedicated to the alleviation of human suffering and the advancement of human well-being through research and practice grounded in contextual behavioral science.
Free resources by Dr. Hayes, a psychologist, researcher, author, and originator of acceptance and commitment therapy, relational frame theory, and co-developer of process-based therapy.
Dr. Polk’s ACT Matrix Academy and YouTube Channel. Dr. Polk is a psychologist and originator of the ACT Matrix, authoring two books about the Matrix.
Free stuff by Dr. Harris, a physician, psychotherapist, and author of four ACT books, including The Happiness Trap, which has sold over one million copies worldwide, with translations into over 30 languages.